About Cadly

ES Brown has always identified as a writer, severely limited content notwithstanding.

Starting his professional life as a journalist, the gratification of seeing his byline above a twice weekly column was exceeded only by the loathing felt for a psychotic editor who hurled pencils, staplers and epithets at deadline; granting the eventual realization that grinding away in small dailies in the Southwest – working for paperboy money - wasn’t going to provide the always envisaged lifestyle, let alone keep him comfortably in vices.

Only intermittently indulged the passion during a career spanning a 13 year sojourn in psychology - where he discovered more about himself than he was comfortable with realizing. He somehow ended up, riding a desk, as a Fortune 500 Corporate Whore for the last 20 years, most of those, biting his tongue and bleeding between his lips.

Never lacking for things to say he bemoaned the death of his dream, before the dream screamed back. And here we are.

He takes care of three beasts: the world’s most affable, hound dog ever, a high strung killer Boston Terrier, and a feral, unseen for months, basement-dwelling alley cat.

Or do they take care of him?